So that’s what it looks like…

Twelve years ago, when I started massage therapy school, I couldn’t wait for the cadaver field trip.  I was dying (pun intended) to see the inner workings of the amazing body.  Finally the date was announced… pregnant, wasn’t allowed to go (they didn’t think it was safe to inhale the formaldehyde- hmmm). That was ok, there was always the next year, yeah, pregnant again.  I didn’t think I’d have the opportunity to see cadavers again…until yesterday!

My mom and I took the kids to see Body Works in Chicago and it was fascinating!  The recommended age was 13, but I figured at 8 & 9 my kids would be fine, and there were plenty younger than them.  We marveled at what the stints in grandpa’s heart actually look like, compared the lungs of a smoker and non-smoker, & observed in awe the muscles utilized when Jake takes a slap shot.   It was everything I hoped it would be, but better for being able to share the experience with my kids.  Though they claimed it was “a little gross,” they both thought it was “pretty cool;”  after time to process the exhibit more, I think they actually learned a great deal.  One of Mikaela’s favorites was the hearts.  We have a niece and a close friend’s daughter who have had several heart surgeries, maybe this helped her understand better what they’ve had corrected.

So, in honor of those (too many) we know and love with heart conditions, today’s feature is the Charlotte heart necklace.  Though it’s made out of 1800’s antique spoons and not muscle tissue- it’s pretty amazing!

Daily Green Special:  Purchase the Charlotte necklace ( this weekend and receive a free “pure of heart” SpaRitual polish.  Just write “bodyworks” in the customer checkout notes and we’ll add your free polish.

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